Prinoth Selects SIM and Cognibox as Partners for its Contractors’ Prequalification
SIM announced today that Granby’s Prinoth plant selected SIM and Cognibox as its solution for the management of its contractors’ prequalification.
Not only will Granby’s Prinoth plant be using the qualification feature, the employees’ management and the work management features, but it will also benefit from the quality of Cognibox’s customer service. Moreover, contractors who will be invited to qualify online to perform work at Prinoth’s installations will benefit, in their turn, from the expertise offered by Cognibox’s experienced team in order to assist them all along the process.
Leader in terms of contractors’ prequalification management solution, SIM will provide its Cognibox system and the expertise required for the implementation of a management process guaranteeing the contractors’ compliance at the health and safety, regulatory, environmental and quality levels. Prinoth chose SIM’s products based on its success with hundreds of clients using them every day for their contractors’ management.
« After attempting to make a homemade contractors’ management system, we soon had to face the fact that the implementation and the creation of such a tool would require lots of efforts, time and money, but mostly a leading-edge expertise. Without the internal resources required to perform this task, and since we are concerned about respecting the highest standards requested by Prinoth from its contractors in terms of occupational health and safety, we have chosen to rely on SIM’s recognized expertise and its Cognibox system. The support offered to their members, facilitating the adoption of this new management tool was also an important criteria in our decision to opt for this solution», says M. Marc Poulin, Technical Services Director / Custom Shop.
Prinoth is an Italian company and its plant destined for the North American market is located in Granby, in the Eastern Townships. PRINOTH is the first world manufacturer of snow groomer vehicles and environmentally-friendly tracked utility vehicles. The Granby plant has been acquired from Camoplast in 2009.
Cognibox is an online system used by the most important international corporations to manage their contractors’ qualification. Thanks to its features, Cognibox groups more than 6000 contractors and 150 000 employees. Cognibox is and optimization tool for requirements in terms of health and safety, environment and quality, productivity and for contractor’s general performance. Cognibox is a trademark of SIM.