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3 Must-haves for Contractor Compliance Management Software

3-Must-haves for Contractor Compliance Management Software-1000667

Your choice of software for managing contractor compliance should not be taken lightly. As a company that regularly deals with contractors, this software will become your primary work tool. How can you be sure to make the right choice?

Here are three aspects to pay close attention to when shopping around for a new solution.


The Right Functionalities

Every type of software offers a multitude of functionalities. Some are included by default and others need to be activated. Look closely at the functionalities and modules available and ask yourself the following questions: Do they meet an actual need for my company? Or are they simply nice to have? Do these functionalities offer true added value? Make an analysis grid on which you tick “yes” or “no” to indicate whether a functionality is useful for you. This will give you an overall picture of whether the software meets your needs.

Be careful not to stray too far from your core needs. Don’t let yourself be tempted or seduced by the array of functionalities available. Having too many functionalities can often get in the way and make the software more complicated to use.

The main functionality of contractor compliance management software should be contractor prequalification. Does your preferred software let you perform this task easily?

Suppliers may also create software to meet the needs of a particular industry. Again, don’t let yourself be too easily persuaded. For example, if you work in the mining sector, do you really need software to manage expiry dates?


Customization Options

How does the software meet your particular needs?

  • How many contractors does your company hire?
  • Does your company have multiple sites? Do you have several plants, work sites, warehouses, etc. in operation?
  • How many employees in your company are responsible for managing contractors?
  • What risks do your workers and contractors face?

Every company is unique

Opt for software that allows you to customize qualification questionnaires, establish specific qualification levels, adapt notification types according to user group, or establish different features for describing and processing contractors. Look at the customization options available to ensure that the software is well suited to your situation.

Does the supplier have its own development team? Are they open to suggestions and new ideas for functionalities that would better meet your needs?


The Concept of an Integrated System

After the popular phrase “that’s how we’ve always done it,” working in silos is likely the second-most damaging phenomenon for companies. When every department works in its own bubble without communicating with each other or, worse, without thinking about the potential impact of their actions on their co-workers, the company can suffer.

Introducing new contractor management software can lead to this type of situation if it isn’t seamlessly integrated into all of the company’s operations.

  • Can the solution be easily integrated into all of your IT systems already in place (SAP, Oracle, etc.)?
  • Does the software allow you to give several levels of access so that everyone has access to the information they need to work efficiently, regardless of the work site?
  • Does the planned software connect to your gate access system in order to control contractor entries?


The Most Important Aspect: Your company’s actual needs

The success of a contractor management system hinges on having a full understanding of your needs and accurately analyzing your target results. Before beginning your search for contractor management software, it’s important to identify your needs so that the solution you choose meets your short-, medium- and long-term expectations.

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